Download FISH Terminology
Version 18: January 2016
Archaeological Object Type
Thesaurus for the recording of portable archaeological objects.
Thesaurus for the recording of portable archaeological objects.
Archaeological Science
Thesaurus of scientific techniques applied to the analysis of archaeological materials.
Area Status
Wordlist for different types of land ownership, management and designated natural, archaeological and built environment.
Building Materials
Thesaurus of construction materials for monuments relating to the built and buried heritage.
Cargo Type
Thesaurus for types of cargo carried by vessels and aircraft on their final voyage.
Component Type
Thesaurus for types of components belonging to or part of a monument or object. It could be a component of a structure, building or piece of machinery that has a specific functional usage or decorative form. It could be areas and spaces, decorative features, structural components, fixtures and fittings etc.
Defence of Britain
Terminology relating to the Second World War defence of Britain. This thesaurus is no longer actively maintained and the terms contained within this thesaurus can now be found in Monument Type.
Terminology relating to the Second World War defence of Britain. This thesaurus is no longer actively maintained and the terms contained within this thesaurus can now be found in Monument Type.
Event Type
Thesaurus, used for recording archaeological and architectural investigative, data collection exercises; from intrusive interventions into the resource to non damaging survey events.
Evidence Type
Terminology covering the existing physical remains of a monument, or the means by which a monument has been identified where no physical remains exist.
Farmstead Type
Thesaurus for indexing different types of farmsteads, related buildings, areas and layouts. This thesaurus does not contain any additional terminology than that held in Monument Type.
First World War
For the recording of monuments related to the First World War in the UK. This thesaurus was constructed for the First World War Home Front Project and does not contain any additional terminology than that held in Monument Type.
For the recording of monuments related to the First World War in the UK. This thesaurus was constructed for the First World War Home Front Project and does not contain any additional terminology than that held in Monument Type.
Heritage Crime
Thesaurus for indexing types of crime and incidents against heritage assets.
Historic Aircraft Type
Thesaurus for indexing aircraft remains and crash sites. Aircraft are listed by form (e.g. SPITFIRE), function (e.g. FIGHTER) and manufacturer (e.g. SUPERMARINE).
Historic Characterisation
Thesaurus combining Historic Landscape and Historic Seascape Characterisation terminology.
Manner of Loss
Wordlist for indexing types of loss of vessels or aircraft.
Maritime Craft Type
Thesaurus for indexing inland waterways and sea-going vessels, from warships to simple fishing boats.
Maritime Fixtures and Fittings
Thesaurus of non-structural, movable items on vessels.
Maritime Place Names
Thesaurus for indexing ports of destination and departure for maritime vessels.
Monument Type
Thesaurus, covers most types of monuments relating to the built and buried heritage in England. It is the largest of the FISH thesauri, covering individual heritage assets, complex structures and building assemblages.
List of nationalities for indexing vessels and aircraft.
Object Material
A thesaurus, orginally developed to assist with the recording of materials for maritime wrecks but now used more generally for objects found in findspots. Please use the British Museum Thesaurus for museum objects.
Resource description thesaurus.
Resource description thesaurus.
Period List (English Heritage)
List of the main archaeological and cultural periods of Britain. May vary compared to other period lists, this one has been developed by English Heritage.
CSV | |
File Size: | 7 kb |
File Type: | csv |
Threat Types
Wordlist for different types of threats to heritage assets.
CSV | |
File Size: | 1 kb |
File Type: | csv |
FISH Thesaurus Table Structure
A document describing table structure of English Heritage's AMIE database thesaurus module. This document will assist when attempting to build the FISH thesauri into your database.
A document describing table structure of English Heritage's AMIE database thesaurus module. This document will assist when attempting to build the FISH thesauri into your database.
Table Structure | |
File Size: | 32 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Terms added to Version 18
A full list of new terms added to the suite of thesauri since the release of Version 17 can be downloaded below:
A full list of new terms added to the suite of thesauri since the release of Version 17 can be downloaded below:
Terms Added April 2015 - December 2015 | |
File Size: | 11 kb |
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