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1 July 2016
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1 July 2016
Welcome to FISH

This is the official website of FISH, an online data standards forum aimed at anyone interested in improving data management, indexing procedures and the exchange of historic environment information.
FISH develops and supports a wide range of professional heritage tools - such as indexing terminologies, recording standards and guidelines (MIDAS Heritage), and technical data mapping and exchange tools (FISH Toolkit).
The Toolkit (version 2) is hosted by the Archaeology Data Service (ADS).
Membership and all the products listed on this website are free to use and download.
FISH develops and supports a wide range of professional heritage tools - such as indexing terminologies, recording standards and guidelines (MIDAS Heritage), and technical data mapping and exchange tools (FISH Toolkit).
The Toolkit (version 2) is hosted by the Archaeology Data Service (ADS).
Membership and all the products listed on this website are free to use and download.
About us

Established in 2000, FISH is a non for profit organization with membership largely made up of heritage and museum professionals from all over the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.
It is made up of two online forums - a general standards group with over 400 members whose representatives meet twice a year, and a smaller, online only technical discussion forum.
In Autumn 2012, FISH joined forces with the Historic Environment Information Resources Network (HEIRNET) - a consortium with similar aims and interests, formed by the Council for British Archaeology in 1998.
If you need advice on indexing, recording, data sharing or interoperability, our FISH members and working groups may be able to help you. To get in touch with us, email our Forum Coordinator below.
Forum Convener is Dr Gillian Grayson, Head of Heritage Data Management, Historic England.
Forum Coordinator is Dan Miles, Research Resources Officer, Historic England.
Unless otherwise stated, all photographs © Paul Adams
It is made up of two online forums - a general standards group with over 400 members whose representatives meet twice a year, and a smaller, online only technical discussion forum.
In Autumn 2012, FISH joined forces with the Historic Environment Information Resources Network (HEIRNET) - a consortium with similar aims and interests, formed by the Council for British Archaeology in 1998.
If you need advice on indexing, recording, data sharing or interoperability, our FISH members and working groups may be able to help you. To get in touch with us, email our Forum Coordinator below.
Forum Convener is Dr Gillian Grayson, Head of Heritage Data Management, Historic England.
Forum Coordinator is Dan Miles, Research Resources Officer, Historic England.
Unless otherwise stated, all photographs © Paul Adams
Professional support
FISH standards and products are developed and endorsed by some of the main heritage organisations in Britain, e.g.